Swedish research looks to Vietnam’s infant potting training

A Swedish research has claimed Vietnam’s potty training – where toddlers as young as three months go diaper-free – a way to prevent infants from suffering urinary tract infections.

Researchers at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg have studied mothers in Vietnam who teach their infants early on to empty their bladders at the sound of the mother’s whistling.

“The whistle sound reminds the children to empty their bladers. That form of communication begins when the children have just been born,” professor Anna-Lena Hellström tells Swedish Television.

Previous studies have shown that children in the western world go diaper-free at 3-4 years of age. Hellström’s study shows that in Vietnam, children can use the toilet completely unaided by the age of nine months.

By the age of two, they are able to fully empty their bladder rather than doing it bit by bit in a diaper, Hellström tells newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

Her previous research shows that children who cannot empty their bladder fully run a greater risk of developing urinary infections.

[box]Source: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=5396855[/box]

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