Norgewian authors: Norway should not apologize to China

helgeA new book by the former NTB-journalist Kjell Arild Nilsen and foreign correspondent Helge Øgrim sends alert to Norway to stop soften up by China. The book “Kina vs. Norge – den ukjente historien fra Maos nei til dagens krise (=China vs. Norway – the unknown story from Mao’s no to the crisis of today) gives huge attention to the Noble Peace Prize 2010 where the Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was awarded the famous prize. Liu Xiaobo is one of the most famous Chinese activists and shows huge critic to the Chinese regime. China now demands Norway to apologize for awarding Xiaobo with the Noble Prize.

“The price of lying on our knees to China is too big. There is nothing Norway can do except breaking their principles into thousand pieces” says Helge Øgrim.Helge Øgrim and Kjell Nilsen fear an official apology from Norway like China has demanded. They believe it will give Norway an untrusthworthy international image of not standing up for human rights. The world will notice if Norway adjusts to China’s demands.The authors of the book meet great support from professor Andrew J. Nathan from Columbia University. According to him an apology from Norway can lead other countries to not dare to challenge the regime of China in the future.

“It will ruin the image of Norway of being a protector of democracy, integrety and independency”, he says.

The three men think Norway makes a better choice of holding on to their principles.

“It’s better to suffer scolds and reprisals than yielding to the pressure,” the two authors agree.

Meanwhile the book also contains information of the connections between Norway and China after the communists overwhelmed in 1949. The first big crisis came the year after. Since have the Tibet-revolution in 1959, the hunger in China during the 60’es and the issues in Taiwan caused disunity between Norway and China.

Regardless have the two authors concluded the Noble Price in 2010 has no doubt caused the worst crisis in history between Norway and China since the crisis in 1950.


This book is published in the wake of China denying the Norwegian Chinese-professor Harald Bøckman was denied a visum to enter China after his critism to the Chinese regime.



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