Swede on Malaysian death row: I’m prepared to die


On Thursday Swedish Ferry Linnbark was sentenced to death by hanging by a court of law in Malaysia. He was found guilty of smuggling 4.3 kilos of amphetamine in 2011.

He is now awaiting execution in a small single cell in the feared Kajang prison. Swedish post Expressen visited him in the prison where he about the horrible conditions of death row.

”I am prepared to die. I know that I am innocent. I have my pride and nobody can take that away from me,” he said.

Up until the ruling on Thursday he was in Sunghai Buloh prison, just North of Kuala Lumpur. After the ruling he was escorted directly to death row at Kajang prison.

”All who are sentenced to death get their own cell. I am in here 24 hours a day. There is no toilet, just a hole in the floor. It stinks beyond imagination from the drain. There is no running water either.

He told Expressen that he is not allowed outside and the cell is so small that it is impossible to exercise.

”Nobody cares if we live or die. We are just waiting to be executed or die from a heart attack. My cell has been flooded. When it rains the sewage water comes up from the drain. It stinks terribly. My madras was soaked with sewage water. When I told the guards that I wanted a new one they laughed and asked if I thought I was in a hotel,” he explains.

Ferry Linnbark still claims to be innocent of all charges but has come to terms with situation.

“I am convicted and I have accepted the situation. Now I am just waiting to die. But I am strong. If you are not mentally strong you will not make it,” he says.

Read the full article from Expressen here

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