Thailand’s Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) plans to turn off power to two casinos in southern Myanmar after June 6. This is at the request of the ruling Military Junta administration.
The PEA intends to cut power to Lay Kay Kaw and Shwe Kokko, the sites of a Chinese-backed $15 billion real estate and casino project. Both locations have recently become known as a Burmese bastion of criminal activity. This includes drug trafficking during post-coup Myanmar’s violence and turmoil.
The district chief, Somchai Trithipchartsakul, of Mae Sot in Thailand, said the agency had informed him of the plan to disconnect power to the two sites on the Burmese side of the Thai-Myanmar border.
“After the Myanmar Embassy informed the PEA of the discontinuation of the power contracts, the Provincial Electricity Authority in Bangkok informed the governor to prepare for any impacts,” Trithipchartsakul said.
The Myanmar government did not immediately publicize the embassy’s letter or respond to the district chief’s statements. It is unknown why Myanmar’s military administration asked Thailand to turn off the power to Shwe Kokko and Lay Kay Kaw.