Sharing of Maritime Experiences

Denmark and China have just finished their second annual consultation meeting on maritime transport. The two sides shared information and experiences, and the meeting confirms the historic Sino-Danish cooperation on maritime transport.   
On March the 1st and 2nd Denmark and China held the second annual maritime consultation meeting in Beijing. The consultation was conducted by the Danish Maritime Authority and the Chinese Bureau of Water Transport.

Among the issues discussed during the talks ware China’s new five-year plan that directs development of inland waterways and the restructure of the maritime transport sector. Also the impact of the financial crisis on the shipping industry was discussed by the two delegations.

“We are very content on this constructive and profitable meeting, which consolidates the good cooperation between Denmark and China on maritime transport. As two great maritime nations Denmark and China have many common interests, and good cooperation and exchange of experiences between our two countries is of great importance,” says Andreas Nordseth, Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority.

Denmark is a shipping nation with a century long tradition of peaceful cooperation with China. In 1974, Deng Xiaoping signed the first maritime agreement between Denmark and China.

In 2008 Denmark and China signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement.

90 percent of the world’s goods are transported by ship. Denmark is one of the world’s leading shipping nations transporting about 10 percent of the world trade. The Danish merchant fleet consists of approximately 550 larger commercial ships engaged on international missions.

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