Spots of snow were at the ground outside Swedish East Asian Museum, Östasiatiska Museet in Swedish, as colourful Chinese dragons last week were dancing on top of people dressed warmly in their winter outfits, many bearing scarfs in red and gold colours.
On Saturday 28 January 2017 the Chinese Embassy in Sweden celebrated the Chinese New Year with dance and traditional Chinese costumes in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. The celebrations were held in cooperation with the Swedish East Asian Museum that had arranged a dragon parade, lion dance, fireworks and other Chinese traditions for the event.
Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Chen Yuming, released a remark on the Chinese New Years following the celebrations, mentioning that the rooster is the zodiac sign of this year, which symbolizes diligence, courage, punctuality and credibility of Chinese people.
He also mentions that 2016 have been a year where the cooperation between the two countries has increasingly deepened in many areas. 2017 will according to the Ambassador focus on bringing the cultures together.
“In 2017, the China Cultural Center will hold new performances and exhibitions, organize language, cultural and art trainings, and academic lectures to enhance cultural cooperation and exchanges. We sincerely welcome you to take an active part,” wrote the Ambassador in his statement.
Source: Chinese Embassy in Sweden