A Chinese guest worker in Gothenburg, Sweden has been exploited by his employer and will now receive compensation.
After long periods of hard work at a restaurant a Chinese guest workers passed out from exhaustion on the street in Gothenburg last summer. He had worked for 80 hours every week for low money in more than one year and lived in a small apartment together with four other Chinese people.
The Chinese paid initially 70.000 SEK in order to get the job; the employer told him that it was a sound investment.
“I had to start at nine o’clock to clean the toilets, then I was on kitchen duties all day and then I washed the dishes until late at night, told the guest worker to the union magazine Hotellrevyn.
He further said that the monthly salary was between 14.000 and 15.000 SEK, but he pay 7.700 SEK back to the employer.
Now the man, who moved back to China, got 400.000 SEK in compensation and for the damage. The restaurant will also have to pay the union 100.000 SEK for violating of the agreement. The money has to be paid no later than October 15 2011.