A 39 year-old man is accused of domestic violence against his 31 year-old now ex-girlfriend during a holiday in Phuket in Thailand last year in December, Danish paper Sjællandske reported.
According to the prosecution the Danish man hit her, bit her and also pulled her hair. The man is now waiting for the city court in Danish city Næstved to find out, whether domestic violence is illegal in Thailand or not.
If it is not punishable in Thailand the Danish man will probably avoid being prosecuted, even though domestic violence in Denmark is strictly forbidden, the paper reported.
The woman who was beaten up, did not report the incident before they were both back in Denmark.
You can only prosecute in the country, where the crime happened. In many countries it´s still O.K. to beat up or rape your wife,girlfriend or even a lady-bar, but not in Scandinavia. Just be beware of the law in the country you are visiting!