The Netflix series “Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons” released their seventh season on September 15 2023 – and this time with both Finland and Indonesia included.
Since 2016 when the documentary show first aired, Irish journalist Paul Connolly and UK journalist Raphael Rowe has interacted with many different types of prison systems around the world, facing some of the world’s most dangerous criminals.
Throughout the series, prisons from Norway and the Philippines were also featured, amongst many others.
The common denominator: Rehabilitation
But this time, Rowe goes for a visit in the Finnish Kylmäkoski prison and gets a rare look inside the Indonesian Bangli prison.
Kylmäkoski prison is known for the fact that criminals can choose to participate in rehabilitation, and Rowe wanted to discover if that approach seems to actually work.
Bangli prison on Bali has a similar mechanism. However, here drug offenders are forced to join ‘extreme’ rehabilitation programmes, the show writes on their Facebook Page.
Source: Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons Facebook Page and Daily Star.