Indonesian Market business seminar in Hong Kong

‘Indonesia – Think Big, Grow Smart. How to Win in the Indonesian market’ is the title for a seminar by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong on Tuesday 14 November.

Building and traffic of Jakarta city, Indonesia

Anders Wickberg, Trade Commissioner to Indonesia at Business Sweden, will present key opportunities for Swedish companies in Indonesia and also discuss the perceived challenges for doing business in the country.

The seminar will also showcase examples how successful companies have worked to overcome the obstacles and identified an Indonesian ‘formula for growth’. Johan Bygge, Chairman Asia Pacific at EQT, will share insights on EQT experiences in Indonesia and how they are working to explore the potential in the country.

Indonesia is a giant on the rise; predicted to be the fifth largest economy (PPP) by 2030 and already today accounting for more than 40 per cent of total ASEAN-6 countries’ GDP. Growth prospects continue to be strong, mainly driven by mega investments in infrastructure, a shift to more value-add manufacturing and a rapidly growing consumer class. The governments’ ambitious reform agenda has significantly improved the business climate, and FDI levels have more than tripled in the last decade.

Johan Bygge, Chairman Asia Pacific at EQT

Despite the big numbers and evident opportunities, Swedish companies have in recent years invested far less in Indonesia compared to other countries in the region, and also far less compared with companies from most other EU countries. Are Swedish companies losing out on the growth opportunities, or are the obstacles for growth that still remains in Indonesia still reason to hold back?

November 14 2017, 8.30-10am at EQT Partners, 1708, 17/F, Hutchinson House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong

Source: Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong


About Joakim Persson

Freelance business and lifestyle photojournalist

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