Swedish Emma Hellbom Ajoje and Emma Lindgren have published a new Swedish book about E-commerce and Digital Marketing in China titled ‘Contentfabriken – Kinas digitala ekosystem’ (Content Factory – China’s Digital Ecosystem)
The authors have both lived and worked in China and combine in the book their experiences of the Swedish communications industry and of helping Swedish brands enter the Chinese market.
China is the world’s largest digital community and content is everything. Consumers are used to being able to buy anything, anytime, anywhere, and get fast deliveries both home and to the workplace. They also place high demands on the digital shopping experience – online and in-store. The content-rich Chinese product pages can be compared to colorful magazines, containing specific information about each product with multiple images and moving material. It is a huge market with a turnover of billions and billions.
Influencers – well-paid internet celebrities with millions of followers, are called Wanghongs in China and their recommendations can lead to big sales for companies that work with them. This book addresses areas such as Content Marketing, Social Commerce, New Retail, Shoppertainment, and other strategies for e-commerce and digital marketing on the world’s most competitive internet.
This book provides knowledge about the digital channels, marketplaces, and content strategies that can inspire and help Swedish companies to grow online or to enter the Chinese market.
A Physical copy (SEK 272) can be purchased via Adlibris or Bokus while the E-book (SEK 223) is available here
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