Swedish 24MAS Gains 39 Million Subscribers

The Indonesian cell phone operator Indosat has launched a new mobile commercial channel with the help of 24 Mobile Advertising Solutions’ applications. New phones with 24 MAS installed programs are all the rage, and the business model is unique in both the advertising and mobile industry. The company writes this in a press release.

Indonesia is currently experiencing the biggest growth in mobile internet services and 80 percent of cell phones sold to the 150 million mobile subscribers are able to support mobile internet. As an exclusive partner of ad financed applications, Swedish 24 Mobile Advertising Solutions has preinstalled its platform within internet compatible cell phones sold by Indosat.

Joko Sumantri, the Division Heas of VAS Management Indosat is excited about the cooperation:

“We are always looking for new business opportunities that benefit both Indosat and our subscribers. MAS 24 ad-funded applications is a very interesting solution to achieve this. It gives us a new business model through advertising revenue, but also a benefit to our subscribers who access applications and games at no cost.”

There are five mobile phones on any internet connected computer in Indonesia and it is natural that the market sees the mobile phone as a new, strong medium for advertising. Its advertisers buy an estimated four billion ad impressions per month, making Indonesia one of the leading markets for advertising on mobile.

“Indonesia is an important market in Asia and to the ad funded applications preinstalled on new phones for Indosat is a very good advertising channel for our advertisers. The advertiser has to be in place with the advertising message in the mobile phone when it bought makes us a very competitive advertising media,” said Mikael Norberg, Managing Director, Asia Pacific 24 MAS.

MAS 24 subsidiaries, 24 Solutions, has since May 2010 set up a hosting environment in Kuala Lumpur to meet increased traffic by distributing ads to Indosats subscribers.

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