Danish celebrity Dennis Knudsen has now deleted photos from his dream vacation in Thailand. He continues to face backlash even after removing Instagram posts that showcased his family’s close interactions with elephants and a horse. Despite deleting the controversial content, criticism from animal welfare groups and the public persists.
Knudsen initially posted videos and photos of himself, his partner Jeppe, and their children bathing elephants and riding a horse. The images sparked outrage from World Animal Protection Denmark and others, who argue that such activities often mask underlying animal mistreatment. Critics claim that any opportunity for tourists to touch, ride, or bathe wild animals typically indicates exploitation and cruelty, despite assurances from the venues.
Following significant backlash, Knudsen removed the posts and issued an apology on Instagram. He explained that he had chosen what he believed to be a reputable sanctuary and was unaware of any signs of mistreatment. However, he admitted that he did not initially recognize the poor condition of the horse he rode. Knudsen’s apology stated that he was deeply saddened by the situation and that he does not support animal abuse.
Despite his response, the controversy continues, with many questioning whether Knudsen’s actions truly reflect a commitment to ethical wildlife tourism.