“Lutefisk” is a Norwegian dish that is based on the old Norwegian way of life. When there was a catch of cod brought ashore that exceeded what could immediately be sold and consumed, the leftover cods were cleaned and hung up to dry. And in the freezing winters, they became very very dry.
To make the dried cod eatable again, it has to be placed in warm water and soak overnight. Some will say, the word “eatable” is an exaggeration. Some will just say, Lutefisk is an “acquired taste”.
Friday 15 November 2019, lutefisk lovers in Singapore will meet to celebrate the dish. They have even made it into a verb in Norwegian. They will meet to “lute” on this day.
They are the Singaporean Chapter of the Royal Norwegian Lutefisk Guild. They claim to have been the organisers of Singapore’s “most important annual event since 1996”.
The lutefisk guild has announced, that they will lute on that 15th November at the honourable Singapore Cricket Club starting at 19.00 with the most exquisite Norwegian lutefisk prepared by one of Norway’s national champion chefs, Markus Dybwad. They warn, however, that only 100 seats are available. Early bird tickets are sold for Singapore $260,- Don’t miss out!
To help you make up your mind, please be informed that dress code is black tie with tailcoat! No female dress code is needed, since this is a male only event.
The event will start with a song in praise of the lutefisk. It goes like this:
“O Lutefisk, vi bøyer oss, For kongen iblant Spiser. Din skjelv av mykt belutret liv, fortjener alle Priser. Hvert år vi venter lige spent, med vann i mund og håbet tent. O lutefisk, Din frelste flokk, Ærbødighed Dig viser.”
If you still have cash left, the Lutefisk Guild offers very exclusive cufflinks with the distinguished logo of the guild. See details here: https://www.facebook.com/SingaporeLutefisk/