Denmark’s only adoption agency closes for good

Adoption agency closing
The Danish Minister for Social Affairs and Housing, Anne Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, says the future of adoption remains uncertain.

Danish International Adoption (DIA) is closing after months of criticism, the agency announced in a letter to the Minister for Social Affairs and Housing, Anne Sophie Hæstorp Andersen. The closure comes in response to criticism from The Danish National Social Appeals Board and multiple articles that exposed serious issues within Denmark’s adoption system.

In the letter, DIA states that the situation now requires a clear and decisive solution from the state. “We will transfer responsibility as soon as possible, and no later than the end of October 2024, allowing the state to take over from that point.”

Earlier in January, adoptions from the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, India, and the Czech Republic—the only countries from which DIA still facilitated adoptions—were halted. This left prospective adoptive parents in Denmark without any options, as DIA is the Denmark’s sole adoption agency.

Speaking to DR, the Minister for Social Affairs and Housing, Anne Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, stated that the future of adoption remains uncertain.

“It is too early to say if this will also be possible in the future. We cannot have families and adoptions where there is doubt about whether human trafficking has occurred, for example.”

Read more about adoptions here: In Norway a group of around 60 prospective adoptive parents is preparing a lawsuit against the Norwegian state. 

Sources: DR and Danwatch

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