Norwegian seafood booming in China

In a new report by NBC (Norwegian Business Association) Norway is rapidly growing in the Chinese seafood market.

Clearly the Chinese prefer Norwegian salmon

Since 2013 Norway has slowly been climbing the ladder towards tipping Japan off the peak as the primary supplier of seafood to China – at least for some fish:

When the Chinese are asked what country they prefer to buy salmon from, more than 50 percent answer Norway, and when the Chinese are asked where they prefer their cod to come from, 53 percent again answers Norway.

And the Norwegian campaign towards making the Chinese begin eating more salmon seems to have paid off. In 2011 the Chinese ate just around 29.000 tons of salmon, while the total consumption rose to 80.000 in just six years.

Taking into consideration that these numbers come from a source who relies heavily on investments, the predictions are not the least boring. According to the report, the Chinese consumption of salmon will rise from 80.000 tons in 2017 to 240.000 tons in 2025.

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