Updates from Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndahl on the current situation in Thailand 


In Swedish Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndahl’s monthly letter to all Swedes in Thailand, the Ambassador comments on the current situation regarding the rise in Covid-19 infections in Thailand as well as updating on the Embassy’s upcoming important tasks. 

Regarding the rapid spread of the Delta variant across Thailand and the vaccination roll-out in the country, the Ambassador writes: “The spread of infection now has a tight grip on Thailand. Deaths are increasing and the strain on society is significant, not least in health care. The restrictions are tough over large parts of the country and the economy continues to take a beating. Let us, not least for the sake of all our Thai friends, hope that it can turn around soon. There are cautiously gratifying signs that the vaccination rate is now increasing in Thailand, which in many other countries has been shown to have major positive effects.” 

The Ambassador writes that the Embassy is back in full swing after the holiday but that the team continues to be divided into different groups and shifts. “We take our service assignment very seriously, but also ask for understanding that there may be slightly longer processing times during the fall as well. We also encourage you to use our e-services – 

Certificates and legalizations – Sweden Abroad

Apply for a new passport / National ID card – Sweden Abroad

Regarding the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok’s upcoming important tasks, the Ambassador writes: Autumn offers several important tasks. Among other things, we are in the midst of preparations to take over responsibility for our bilateral field relations with Cambodia. Like Myanmar, where under normal circumstances we have a significant presence in Yangon, we will establish a section office in Phnom Penh as well. This means that the Bangkok Embassy will grow further and will cover four countries (in addition to Thailand, now also Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar) from late autumn.

Monitoring and reporting on developments in Myanmar remain an important priority for the Embassy. “Here we are forced to state that the situation is still very serious after the military took power in February. A deteriorating security situation and extensive abuse of the population are now exacerbated by a very rapid spread of infection throughout the country. Sweden’s efforts through humanitarian support and development cooperation continue, but under changed conditions,” the Ambassador writes. 

The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok will also continue its cooperation with Thai counterparts in society and business during the fall. The Ambassador writes, “Among other things, the last part will be held in a joint sustainability forum between our countries in early September. The forum is organized in close collaboration with the Thai Embassy in Stockholm, under the leadership of my dear colleague; Ambassador Kanchana. It is gratifying to note the participation of several Swedish companies in this event, which we also intend to continue within the coming years,”

Read Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndahl’s monthly letter to all Swedes in Thailand here

About Mette Larsen

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