Danish company taps into China’s ‘live shopping’ phenomenon with new app

The idea was born from  my teenage daughters and the way they use Tik Tok. They use a lot of video and are constantly looking for entertainment online, Jonny Højdam says to JydskeVestkysten. Stock Photo: Søren Gylling

China’s ‘live shopping’ phenomenon has made its entry into Denmark during the pandemic and the so-called “yes thank you” offers on Facebook and live shopping is a huge economy in China and Asia in general. Now the Danish company “Mind the Media’ wants to tap into the industry and make live shopping easier for shops with their new app, local media JydskeVestkysten reports.

According to the Danish Industry association ‘Dansk Mode og Textil’, live shopping is a “new sales channel, where you create a hybrid between the physical and digital”. The process is quite simple but requires attention to detail. Stores go live on social media and provide inspiration and guidance about the products they have in the store. Followers can then bid and buy the products displayed and it only requires a social media profile, an inventory, and a smartphone to live stream. The process of collection payment and sorting through the comments however have proven to be difficult at times for the shops and that is what Mind the Media wants to help with.

With their soon-to-be-launched Moooce App, Mind the Media aims to put live shopping into a system and make the process easier for the shops. Moooce app means that stores are not dependent on social media in connection with live shopping. “We are just trying to put it in a system and make it easier for especially the small shops. We have just seen that it is a big administrative work to collect comments when you have sent live on Facebook and remember to collect money via MobilePay, so we have tried to collect it all in one platform, Jonny Højdam explains to JydskeVestkysten.

The Moooce App is inspired by another Chinese phenomenon, namely the social media platform Tik Tok, where users can make short video clips. Jonny Højdam has seen how his two teenage daughters are constantly looking for entertainment on Tik Tok, and with Moooce, Jonny Højdam expects it to be easier to catch the attention of exactly that generation. The platform can also be used for more than just live shopping, Jonny Højdam says. “It’s still based on a video, but the videos do not have to be broadcast live and they can for example be linked to a product, a newsletter, or just shared on social media, he explains.

“Video is more entertaining, it is far more catchy and provides more engagement from users and more comments. It speaks to the spirit of our time,” Jonny Højdam says

About Mette Larsen

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