Norwegian arrested for spying for China

Public prosecutor Thomas Blom during the press conference after the detention. Screendump from NRK footage.

A Norwegian citizen was on Monday 1 July 2024 arrested on his way home from China and charged with espionage for the benefit of China.

“The man who has been charged has been remanded in custody for four weeks with a ban on visitors and letters,” said public prosecutor Thomas Blom during the press conference after the detention.

According to Blom, the arrest was completely drama-free. According to the Norwegian man’s defense attorney, his client says he is not guilty of what he is accused of.

The Norwegian state media NRK has been in contact with the Chinese embassy in Norway, but the embassy did not wish to make any comment right away.

Previously, a Malaysian was accused of espionage in Norway and the Norwegian authorities have repeated warned of intelligence gathering also by ships in Norwegian waters from both Russia and China.

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

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