On 1 March 2021 the Embassy of Sweden released an update from field visit to Siem Reap province with UNDP team. The visit aimed to following up on the implementation of the COVID-19 response package to financially support rural communities through tree planting activities. These activities are under the Building an Enabling Environment for Sustainable Development (BESD) project which is led by Ministry of Environment with financial support from Sweden and UNDP Cambodia. The BESD project provides cash for work opportunities for vulnerable households impacted by Covid19.
The team were able to visit tree planting sites and also to meet with local communities and rangers to understand their livelihood situation and issues they are now facing. The visit improved our understanding of illegal logging, wildlife poaching, land clearance and forest fire which threatens the natural resources and livelihoods of these communities. Stay tuned for stories from the local communities on how BESD project has contributed to improve natural resource management and livelihood.