In January this year, Transparency International released its 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), which ranks 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption.
The results are given on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
Syria, Sudan, and Somalia were at the bottom of the list (most corrupt) with scores of 13, 20 and 13 respectively.
Germany and Singapore remained at the same spot scoring 80 and 85 respectively.
Malaysia’s position dropped to 48. It was 51 in 2020 and 53 in 2019.
For context, the US scored 67, while Russia scored 29 and China, 45. These three countries are considered the main powers behind the world order. They shape geopolitics and have the power to control the financial, political, economic, social and environmental conditions affecting 7.9 billion humans on the planet.
Source: Aliran