Trade Forum in Cebu will showcase business opportunities

Filipino companies that look for new business opportunities, be it export or import, are the target group for a Swedish Trade Forum seminar in Cebu on 17 September.
     “Cebu is the IT and tourism capital in the Philippines and also the second largest city. That is why we locate this seminar there,” says Mr Ulf Walden, Minister at Sweden’s embassy in Manila, one of the seminar organisers along with the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Philexport.
     This is the second such seminar held in the Philippines in about a year’s time.
     Some Filipino companies will present success stories from trading with Sweden during the Cebu event.
     One of the other speakers is ambassador Kok from the EC Delegation office in Manila.
     On Saturday there will be a cocktail reception and a showing of the Swedish movie “Sprängaren – Deadline” by Colin Nutley, based on Liza Marklund’s thriller with the same title.
     “We believe this is a good mix of business and social events showcasing what Sweden offers,” says Ulf Walden.

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