Singapore tops Global Dynamism Index – followed by Finland and Sweden

According to the Grant Thornton Global Dynamism Index (GDI), Singapore is the best country for dynamic businesses to flourish. Two Scandinavian countries in the top-three are Finland which ranked second, followed by Sweden which ranked third. Norway was ranked 14th while Denmark ranked 17th.

The index ranks countries based on 22 indicators of dynamism across five categories: business operating environment, economics & growth, science & technology and labour & human capital and financing environment.

According to this index, Finland was number one when ranking by the business operating environment, number two based on the science and technology and number two based on the financing environment.

The report states that the eurozone crisis has clearly hurt the economies of Finland and Sweden, but the GDI “suggests that longer term growth fundamentals are robust. Both economies sit in the top three for both business operating environment and science and technology, with Finland behind only Singapore in terms of its financing environment.”

For a full report, follow this link

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