Danish’s Renewable Energy Know How for Thai

The “Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies” project, sponsored by Danida, invited Thai delegates to a study tour of renewable energy management in Denmark, during 5-12 June 2005. The study tour was part of the Thai-Danish Cooperation programme on environment and development.    
         The objective of the study tour was to learn from Danish experience on renewable energy in areas such as incentives, regulations, strategies to promote renewable energy, local energy planning and local energy generation.
         Participants were 8 staff from Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.
Among other places, the group went to visit the Danish Energy Agency in Copenhagen, Danish Technological Institute’s Knowledge Centre for Biomass, Vestas Wind System (Wind Turbine Manufacturer), Lemvig Biogas Plant, several district heating plants as well as the Danish energy company, Elsam A/S. 
         The group of participants was introduced to the Danish strategies for implementation of renewable energy and environmental friendly energy systems, which have the potential to substitute conventional energy and less environmental friendly energy systems. 
         The participants agreed that the study tour provided valuable input in relation to the efforts of municipal energy planning, in relation to organisation and management of various energy plants and in relation to the use of surplus heat from electricity generation.

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