Danish Passports More Expensive Abroad

If the expiration date of your Danish passport is closing in rapidly and you are planning a trip to Denmark in the near future – remember to stop by the local passport office, as that little manoeuvre can save you up to 300 Danish kroner.
Every year 12,000 Danes renew their passports while overseas and by so doing they pay more than their countrymen back in Denmark. The price is standardised at all Danish embassies abroad, so should you for instance go to the embassy in Bangkok, the fee for a new passport will be 900 DKK if you are between 18 and 65 years of age. If you apply in Denmark, the same passport will cost you just 600 DKK.
If you are under 18 years or over 65 a new passport costs 175 kroner at the embassy, but only 150 kroner in Denmark. For those over 65 the prices are 350 DKK in Denmark and 500 DKK abroad.
The Danish Foreign Ministry collects more than 10 million DKK a year from the issuance of passports.

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