Sweden To Contribute To EU Mission In Aceh

The Government of Sweden decided on August 08 to contribute support to the EU mission in Aceh Province of Indonesia.
Sweden will be the only country providing logistical assistance to EU personnel in the area and to allocate up to SEK 40 million for the purpose via Sida’s budget.
The operation will be carried out by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency, which will initially provide about eight staff members. Their task will include ensuring that the EU observers have access to office facilities, transport, telecommunications and Information Technology.
“The Swedish Rescue Services Agency will now have the task of supporting EU efforts to monitor the peace agreement in Indonesia. The fact that this task has been assigned to the Swedish Rescue Services Agency is further evidence of Sweden’s expertise in the field of logistics,” said Minister for Defence Leni Björklund.
The Swedish support will enable EU personnel to take up their positions swiftly so as to be able to monitor the peace agreement, which is to enter into force on August 15.
“Earlier this summer, the Government allocated SEK 150 million to reconstruction after the Tsunami disaster in Indonesia. Sweden’s contribution to the EU mission is an additional part of the long-term support for peace and development that we are giving to the region,” said Minister for International Development Cooperation Carin Jämtin.
The Government of Indonesia and the leadership of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) have asked the EU to monitor the peace agreement which is a historic agreement and a solution to long-time conflict in Aceh Province. The EU observer mission will be a civilian operation whose assignment will be to monitor implementation of the peace agreement.

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