Carl Bro to Advise Malaysian Government

Malaysia is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of biological diversity. As part of Danida’s so-called partnership programme, Carl Bro will assist the Malaysian government in strengthening integrated planning and will provide advice on focus areas and priorities within nature management.
     The Malaysian government has set up a Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, encompassing all existing agencies concerned with nature and the environment – such as the Forestry Department, Agency for Management of Wild Animals, Department of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Department of Survey and Mapping, Management of protected areas, etc., all which were previously located in various other ministries.
     “Carl Bro’s task will be to assist in developing the necessary capacity and provide advice in connection with prioritisation and decision-making processes in the new environmental ministry, so Malaysia can fully benefit from the merger,” the Danish company states on its own website.

In addition, Carl Bro will provide technical consultancy services and assist in analysis of data as well as improving coordination and exchange of information between the various agencies in order to provide the best basis for decision-making. Last, but not least, Carl Bro will provide advice in connection with broad and long-term financial initiatives in natural resource management and draw attention to opportunities for creating a financial basis for improved nature and biodiversity management.
     The hope is that Malaysia will be able to better preserve endangered plants and animals – such as the orangutan – as well as to protect the living conditions of indigenous groups living close to nature. The assistance given through Carl Bro in this biological project is the final element in a long-term environmental partnership between Danida and Malaysia.The programme will run over three years. Carl Bro has already built up years of experience within natural resource management and biological diversity and has previously served as consultant on five large environmental projects in Malaysia.

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