Norwegian Teenage Girls Fund Thai Orphanage

Two sisters, Maren and Julia Friberg from Hvittingfoss, Norway, have contributed to the development of Phayathai Home for Orphans. The girls have so far collected 175,000 baht and that has meant the opening of a section for babies with HIV at the orphanage. The money is raised by the girls at their school.
In Norway, the sisters arrange flea markets selling old toys and clothes and home made waffles at the market.
    The girls get a helping hand from their Uncle Sigve who works for DTAC in Bangkok. The generous uncle doubles the amount that the girls raise. So far, the amount for the orphanage is therefore 300,000 baht which were handed over to the orphanage this month by the girls’ aunt Torgunn Reggestad who represented the family at the opening.
  But fund raising for Thai children is not easy as the girls write on their website.
“Things take time in Thailand, but we know that our contacts work seriously and that we can trust that the money will be spent properly”.
   According to the girls’  website the next project is to raise money for an outdoor playground.

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