Vietnamese Children’s Books Published

Ten Vietnamese children’s books are now published; all are result of a new approach to children’s literature and are written and illustrated by Vietnamese authors and illustrator, supported by the Danish culture development programme in Vietnam concerning children’s literature.
The program aims at strengthening the capacity of Vietnamese authors and illustrators as well as the use of children’s books in education in schools and within the family. The aim is to support the development of Vietnamese children’s literature that has a wide scope and appeal to the children as well as strengthen their imagination and critical sense.
The new working process was inspired by a workshop where Danish authors and illustrators worked and exchanged ideas with their Vietnamese colleagues. In the process the authors and illustrators sat down two and two and engaged in the creative process of creating a book together on the spot.
The workshop resulted in the drafts of ten small books. These drafts were onboard when the Fairytale Express with Danish and Vietnamese artists in 2006 travelled though Vietnam to visit reading clubs and schools. Along the way the books where read by children of all ages who contributed with their comments and ideas on the books.
The ideas of the children were incorporated into the books, which are now published and available to the public. Each book is printed in 3000 copies and will be distributed to reading clubs and schools all over the country.

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