Farewell to Ingmar Bergman at World Film Festival of Bangkok

The legendary film maker Ingmar Bergman passed away in the morning of 30 July 2007 at the age of 89.
    In his memorial, the 5th World Film Festival of Bangkok honors Bergman’s works by screening one of his masterpieces “The Devil Eye” on November 3, 1pm at Esplanade Cineplex6. This is one of festival’s highlights as the farewell to Ingmar Bergman. The festival will be held from October 25- November 4, 2007 at Esplanade Cineplex, Rachada.
    As for Bergman, His artistic accomplishments were ground-breaking, unique – but also of a scope that covered film and theatre as well as literature. Just a few months ago his artistic achievement was incorporated into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.
    Ingmar Bergman was the internationally most renowned Swede and his films were seen in other countries as a reflection of a dour Scandinavian outlook on life.

For more information on the festival please visit www.worldfilmbkk.com

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