Jail Demanded For Human Smuggling

Chief prosecutor  Thomas Wennerstrand calls for three to four years’ imprisonment and deportation
for two women, 46 and 50 years, in the great trial on smuggling from Vietnam to Sweden.
anticipation of the judgement becomes final if he would like the two women
deprived of their passports and may travel ban.
    For the
other two suspects main organisers, a 45-year-old man and a 44-year-old woman,
the prosecutor may consider a slightly lower prison sentence.
    All four
main organisers are accused of serious organizing human smuggling and
violations of the Aliens Act.
    For those in the case accused of gross human smuggling urge the prosecutor at least a
half year in prison, while he can think of a shorter prison sentence of two or
three months of the persons indicted for smuggling that are not deemed to be
    Police and
prosecutors believe they have evidence that those with illegal practices
managed to get 50 named persons to Sweden and at least another 31
people who have not been identified.
    The adults
have come to Sweden
on paper marry Swedish citizens or people with residence here, while the
children have complied with under a false identity and thus ended up with the
other parents than their own, according to the indictment.
suspects deny the crime. Among the other 30 accused have admitted several crimes,
but the majority have denied any   wrongdoing..
    The trial
began March 4 and will end tomorrow.


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