Thailand -The new Costa del Sol

Why spend your retirement living as a henchman in Europe when you can go to Thailand living a life suitable for a king asks Jens Brochner Nielsen.

During the last seven years the Danish real-estate agent from D2 Real Estate has build, sold and rented out apartments and houses by the coasts of the Thai mainland to people all over the world – primary elderly people.  Despite negative expectations and the infamous international financial crises the dane certainly doesn’t plan to stop doing it.

We are actually not very affected by the economical global downfall. Besides overprized places like Hua Hin and Pattaya where the real-estate prices tended to be overrated, the prices on most residential has been stabile and slightly increasing so far, so I am definitely not panicking” Jens Brochner Nielsen says  


An alternative old-age home

According to Jens Brochner Nielsen there are many advantages by spending the last year of you life under the tropical Thai sun.

Most people experience considerable decrease of their income when they retire from their working life – For instance a lot of people need to move to smaller houses and a cut-back on their daily expenses” he explains. Because of the significant lower price level in Thailand Jens Brochner Nielsen states, that it’s actually possible to raise your living conditions, in both quality and on the financial level – even though you income has decreased – by immigrating to the country of many smiles.

In Thailand you can get a new-build accommodation of high value close to the coast for around one and a half million baht, world-class health insurance and of course access to the rich oriental culture. That means that you raise your living condition for less money by moving out here from Europe to spend you retirement” he ads.   


Middleclass paradise

Even though Southeast Asia has more than a fair share of palaces and private island get-aways for the world elite, more and more people from the middleclass goes to Thailand

The biggest target group for the Thai real estate market comes from the middleclass and with the increasing awareness on this alternative to an European old-age home, the number of customers had increased considerably and all indicators show that this positive tendency doubtlessly will continue in the future” Jens Brochner Nielsen says. He believes that Thailand is on its way to become a favourite retirement-destination for westerners from the entire spectre of the society – like the villages of the sun kissed coasts in the Mediterranean countries.   

Thailand is in many ways similar to the old Spanish retirement-paradise Costa Del Sol and the popularity is gained thirty years ago. Back then the excellent climate, the low prices, the good infrastructural conditions, and the possibility to spend the rest of your life in relative luxury attracted a lot of ‘ordinary people’ and I think the same thin is happing here in Thailand in these years ” the Danish real-estate agent winds up.

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