Vestas will dismiss 300 employees in Denmark

Vestas expects to recruit nearly 3,000 employees, net, in 2010 against 3,400 as previously expected.

»The adjustment is made because Vestas, due to the ongoing regionalisation and delayed order intake on some projects for delivery in the second half of 2010, needs to realign its capacity which will lead to lay-offs of 300 employees in Denmark,« Vestas wrote in its second quarter financial report.

At the same time, an equivalent number of employees employed on a contract basis will not have their contracts renewed, and some factories in Europe incl. of Denmark will introduce work-sharing scheme as and when required. The number of staff at year-end 2010 will be about 23,500. Vestas Technology R&D will increase its employee headcount to about 2,000 in 2010.


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