Clean Tech Finnish Firms Eye Chinese Market

Finnish clean technology companies are interested to share their expertise with Chinese enterprises to tap opportunities in the clean industrial process, water treatment and renewable energy industries in China.

Chempolis Ltd, whose technology enables the clean production of cellulosic bioethanol, a biofuel produced from wood, grass, or the non-edible parts of plants, sees a huge market in China.

The firm enter into a technological cooperation with non-grain-based bioethanol makers in China, Shi Dongsheng, a Shanghai-based chief engineer at Chempolis, said at a seminar yesterday at the Expo’s Finland Pavilion.

Vacon Plc, a maker of alternating current drives, which are used to control electric motors and help generate power from renewable sources, said that China’s efforts to improve industrial efficiency and develop wind and solar power are seen as a great business opportunity for the company.

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