Invitation to Sweden Malaysia Nobel Gala Dinner

The Swedish Embassy in cooperation with the Malaysian-Swedish Business Association and Swedish Trade Council have the privilege to invite you to the Sweden Malaysia Nobel Gala Dinner

The Nobel Gala Dinner is an important part of the Sweden Malaysia Innovation Days on 6-10 May.
The backdrop for the event is Malaysia’s strive to become a more innovative country as declared by Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Alfred Nobel, the 19th century Swedish engineer and inventor held 355 patents, among which
you encounter his most famous invention – the dynamite. In his last will, Nobel used his
fortunes to institute the Nobel Prize, an institution that to this day encourages and acknowledges
innovation and research around the world. In order to commemorate Nobel and his continued
importance in the field of innovation, the Gala Dinner will be arranged in his spirit.

This Nobel Gala Dinner will be held at Hilton Hotel. Chef Michael Elfwing will put
together a menu based on actual Nobel Prize Banquet menus. During the Nobel
Gala Dinner you will be entertained by both high-profile speakers and top-class musicians.

Date: Friday, 6 May 2011 Time: Pre-dinner Cocktail from 7.00 p.m.
Venue: The Grand Ballroom at Hilton Hotel
Dress: Lounge Suit
Limited amount of tickets are available so make your prebooking now, at the latest by March 31 2011 at: [email protected]
A confirmation and detailed invitiation will be sent out by post.

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