Ten Danes in Badminton Tournament in Thailand

One of the many Danish players is 22 year old Anders Skaarup Rasmussen, an upcoming talent. He plays mix-double and men’s double, at the SCG Thailand OGPG he will be playing men’s double with his partner Mats Bue.
In Anders Skaarup Rasmussen’s records he has won mix-double at the AB Grand Prix tournament and mix-double at the Czech International. Lately he won a third place in both mix-double and men’s double, in men’s double with Mats Bue, in the Danish Champignonship.

Both players are working hard to get to their goal of being the best in the world as they also have a full time study. The two players arrived Sunday for their first tournament in Asia and for young Anders Skaarup Rasmussen this is his first trip to asia.

The tournament is poorly served in terms of publicity and online presence. You may find some information about the tournament here:

Map of location (in Thai): ;

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