New Interesting Projects to Look Forward to

Culture lovers can look forward to eight unique, modern and innovative cultural projects within the coming months which are funded by The Danish-Vietnamese Cultural Development and Exchange Fund (CDEF). The cultural events focus on different themes and genres ranging from visual art, Danish-Vietnamese cultural exchange, and traditional and modern music.

The Danish-Vietnamese Cultural Development and Exchange Fund (CDEF) received a total of 23 applications. Among these, 8 were of Danish origin and 15 of Vietnamese. The projects supported by CDEF have to either promote Vietnamese contemporary art or Danish-Vietnamese exchange of contemporary art. Furthermore, all projects have be innovative, modern and part of a new trend.

The CDEF found that 8 of the projects had a high enough quality to receive CDEF grants. Below you can read briefly about each project. The grants have a value between 13.702 DKK and 60.000 DKK. All projects are to be realised within the next year.

“Global sisters” is a project portraying three women from Vietnam, Senegal and Denmark – all born on the same day and year – by combining different kinds of media such as words, actions, images, movies, and webcam in an interactive form.

“East Meets West” is a musical exchange project in which talented Vietnamese musician are coming to Denmark to perform a joint Vietnamese-Danish concert. The world-renowned jazz composer Chris Minh Doky will perform with the orchestra as a soloist.

“Warriors” is an exhibition of sculpture installation in large-scale which is surrounded by the theme of difficult positions of women in the context of Vietnam before and after the war. The exhibition will be at Museum of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City.

“3D Improvisations” is an improvisation performance with three dimensions: sound, light and feelings. It’s a mix of traditional and electronic music, live photography and acting on stage.

“Lost in Vibration” is a music project which brings the 12 stringed traditional Vietnamese instrument “dan tranh” into a new experimental musical performance that will show new aspects of the instrument. The new music is composed by musician Thanh Thuy and will be presented by shows in Vietnam.

“Contemporary Script” is an art exhibition focusing on current life of farmers in the context of industrialization with industrial and construction sites emerging everywhere. The exhibition takes places in Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

“The 3rd Vietnam Press Caricature Prize (Bamboo Dragon Cup)” is a competition focusing on the popular art form caricature. It’s a competition open for all Vietnamese citizens. This year’s theme is “Environment”.

“Remained Landscape” is a project of researching and creating art work by making use of objects and material that is no longer utilized, but still remains in the city. The exhibition will focus on the importance of history, of one’s existence and of the contradictions between the impulse to destroy or forget and the compulsion to mend and remain.

The next deadline for CDEF applications is August 15, 2011. For further information please contact culture and press officer.

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