Novozymes Is Gearing up in China

As a consequence of a phenomenal growth within products for the households, Novozymes has decided to establish a new centre in Beijing, China, the company wrote in a press release today.

According to Anders Lund, Senior Marketing Director in Household Care, interesting times lie ahead for Novozymes with a growth in this area which will come mainly from the emerging markets.

»Our growth in the emerging markets is phenomenal right now, and we expect it to become even better,« said Anders Lund.

»Detergents and especially the use of enzyme technology have been underutilized in the emerging economies for the past decades. So there is very much room for improvement,« he added.

He explained that with this new centre Novozymes wants to get closer to the consumers that are ultimately going to use Novozymes’ products.
He expects that the trend seen within liquid detergents in Europe and the US will spread to the emerging markets.


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