Ambassadors of the EU, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK encourage Vietnam to support Ukraine

Vietnam was recently not part of the 141 countries that backed a United Nations resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops and in a Joint article on 8 March, the Ambassadors of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom in Hanoi are therefore encouraging Vietnam to take a stand to support Ukraine.

The article is signed by, amongst others, all Nordic Ambassadors to Vietnam including Danish Ambassador Kim Højlund Christensen, Finnish Ambassador Keijo Norvanto, Swedish Ambassador Ann Mawe, and Norwegian Ambassador Grete Lochen.

The joint article reads:

War has returned to Europe.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked and unjustified military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. With its illegal military actions, Russia is seriously violating international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter, and undermining the stability and security of Europe and the world. . This includes Ukraine’s right to choose over its own destiny. Russia bears full responsibility for this act of aggression and for all the devastation and loss of life this war will cause.

On 2 March, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on “Act to Invasion of Ukraine”, with a majority of 141 votes in favor and only 5 against (with 35 abstentions). This is a historic moment, showing the extent of global consensus on this issue. The United Nations has come together to speak out for respect for the values ​​and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. In the strongest terms, these 141 countries have condemned the aggression of the Russian Federation, as well as the involvement of Belarus, demanding that they cease the use of force against Ukraine and withdraw all military forces. from the entire territory of Ukraine – immediately, completely, and unconditionally.

ASEAN member states also voted in favor of the resolution with an overwhelming number of votes, with only two abstentions. One of them is Vietnam.

We understand the important historical relationship that Vietnam had with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union helped Vietnam in times of need while other countries did not. But the Soviet Union has long since disintegrated and we are in a new era.

In terms of geographical distance, Vietnam of course has its own interests and some views that are different from ours in Europe. But in this time of crisis, we must all focus on the fundamental question of whether there is any justification for Russia, a great power, to bully and invade neighboring Ukraine in an attempt to redraw the lines. world on the map, going against international rules or not? Does Vietnam benefit when the world is ruled by that logic rather than by international law and peaceful settlement of disputes? 

Like the people of Europe, the people of Vietnam are unlucky to know too well what war is like. Vietnam, like Europe, has experienced the suffering of innocent civilians and knows why it is so important to fight for freedom and uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity. important. Vietnam, like Europe, understands very well what the Ukrainian people are going through.

And it is because of the bitter memories of war and because we all value true peace that we should all stand with the Ukrainian people and the vast majority of the international community, and at the same time call for an end to this senseless conflict.

Russia’s aggression has also hit the global economy, which is already grappling with a post-pandemic recovery, supply chain shortages, and rising inflation. Prices for energy, transportation, commodities, and food all skyrocketed. All of this is not beneficial to Vietnam.

We know that Vietnam has a strong voice with Russia. Vietnam is a beautiful country that Russian tourists love to come to, and at the same time, Vietnam also has a deep relationship with the Russian Federation. We believe that you, the Vietnamese, like us, want a positive outcome for both Russia and Ukraine. We hope that you share with us that de-escalation and military withdrawal are not only the right thing to do for legal and humanitarian reasons but also an option. The political correctness of Russia for the sake of the entire international community and for the peace and stability that our peoples need for development.

Support Ukraine!


About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

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