China praises Danish Governments standpoint in Ted Hui self-exile case

Hong Kong activist Ted Hui visits Christiansborg Palace Foto: Peter Hove Olesen

China closely followed the revelation of Hong Kong activist and ex-opposition lawmaker Ted Huis escape to Denmark. However during his visit, Ted Hui did not obtain any support from the Danish government to make it easier for pro-democracy activists from Hong Kong to seek asylum in Denmark and that pleases China. 

The relationship between China and Denmark was supported by the fact that Denmark did not offer him an asylum or other residency permit and that Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) refused to meet with him.

The praise for the Danish government’s handling of Ted Hui’s visit comes from Lau Siu-kai, who generally speaks out on behalf of the Chinese top management when it comes to matters concerning Hong Kong.

After Ted Hui’s arrival in Denmark, the Hong Kong authorities will reportedly make it harder for other pro-democracy activists to flee.

Source: Danish newspaper Politikken

About Mette Larsen

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