Danish Tony divorced his wife and married Thai transwoman Saiyan

Tony Dakota and his wife.
Tony and his wife. Photo: Facebook

Danish 60-year-old Tony Dakota has made his presence in Danish media over the last couple of weeks, after featuring in the new, national tv-program ‘Boundlessly in love,’  where cameras followed him on his love journey with the Thai transgender woman Saiyan.

It all started on a vacation to Thailand with Tony’s previous wife of 30-years, when they went to a ladyboy show. A show that changed his life.

“I never imagined that it would change my life so radically, but I ended up falling in love with one of these ladyboys. And then I divorced my wife,” he says in the program. After the divorce, his at the time friend Saiyan Dakota Pholchai reached out to him – and they started dating online.

A journey which was documented by the Danish tv-program ‘Boundlessly in love,’  where couples fight for love despite being on different continents.

The road to love isn’t always easy 

But the new relationship caused several lost friendships, as people turned their back on Tony due to his decision, which led to a depression.

“I know it can be a challenging relationship for many, but just because my path is a little different than others, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong,” he says in an interview with Go’ aften Danmark.

“I did go into depression after six months, but luckily I got over it.”

Tony Dakota
Screenshot of Tony’s interview with Go’ Aften Danmark, TV2.

Going forward

In the show the viewer follows Tony as he returns to Thailand to meet up with 39-year old Saiyan – for the first time with the title as a girlfriend. Afterwards the couple got married, and the story has reached several Danish media outlets, such as BT, Se og Hør and others.

Tony reports that his family didn’t attend the wedding in Thailand, which was ‘quickly’ held at the beach in Phuket at the restaurant of a friend. However, his family has greeted her with nothing but love and acceptance.

Today the couple still live separately but visit each other often, and hope to come together as a family living side by side with each other in the future.

“Our hope is that we can eventually reunite as a family and live half the time in Denmark and the other half in Thailand, where we dream of building a small house on my mother-in-law’s farm,” he explains to the Danish media B.T.

Source: BT, Se og Hør and Go’ Aften Live

About Sofie Rønnelund

Sofie Roennelund is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

View all posts by Sofie Rønnelund

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