Man sentenced for attempted rape on Swedish woman

A  South Korean man, named Cho Tae Kwon, violated and attempted to rape a 25 year old Swedish woman in Singapore in September 2022. This Monday, 13 May 2024, the case went to court, and the now 51 year old man was sentenced to eight years and four and a half months of jail time.

Back in 2022, when the crime was committed, Mr. Cho Tae Kwon had been out with colleagues for dinner and drinks. When he returned to his building he saw the young Swedish woman asleep at the pool of the residential building they both lived in. She had been out clubbing with friends consuming alcohol, and had stepped out to the pool to call her boyfriend. After finishing the conversation, she had felt tired and had drifted of to sleep.

The incident was partially captured by a surveillance camera. This showed how Mr. Cho Tae Kwon tried touching her, and when she didn’t have any response he took it further. He removed hos shorts and attempted to rape the woman. She woke up twice. The first time she was groggy, and didn’t have the strength to push Mr. Cho Tae Kwon away. Due to the alcohol in her blood she fell back asleep.

However, the second time she woke up she managed to push Mr. Cho Tae Kwon off of her, and as the both fell of the beach sofa by the pool she grabbed her stuff and ran to her apartment. Accidentally she also took Mr. Cho Tae Kwon’s shorts.

The Swedish women reported the attack the next morning, and Mr. Cho Tae Kwon was quickly arrested after security watched the video material.

This Monday, 13 May 2024, Mr. Cho Tae Kwon pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted rape and a charge of outrage of modesty.

The Deputy Public prosecutors, Claire Poh and Natalie Chu, stated their opinions in the sentencing:

“It is tragic that a young woman was senselessly violated in a place where she should have felt safe and secure.”

The name of the Swedish woman and her friends have not been released to the public for privacy reasons.

Source: Straits Times


About Lærke Kobberup

Lærke Kobberup is a Journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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