Denmark and UNDP’s support to restorative justice, Indonesia

On 17 April, the Danish Ambassador Rasmus Kristensen together with UNDP Country Director Christopher Bahuet visited the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center (LPKA) in Palembang. LPKA is applying cutting-edge approaches to restorative justice and has effectively won a national award for the best Rehabilitation Centre, writes the Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia.

The UNDP project ‘Improving Restorative Justice through Integration (IRJI)’ is supported by the Danish Embassy and aims to strengthen the rule of law in Indonesia through restorative justice initiatives.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Supreme Court, the Attorney General’s Office, the National Police, Directorate General of National Correctional Facility and Ministry of Social Affairs. IRJI focuses on the governance side of restorative justice which currently deals with juvenile cases. It supports enhanced coordination among law enforcement agencies as well as institutional capacity building for effective implementation of restorative justice in Indonesia.

Additionally, Ambassador Rasmus Kristensen also delivered a key note speech at the public discussion on ‘Strengthening Coordination Among Law Enforcement Agencies’, which was attended by officials from the central and local Governments. The discussions focused on the development of standard operating procedures (SOP) that define the roles and functions of each law enforcement agencies.

Source: Embassy of Denmark in Indonesia

About Joakim Persson

Freelance business and lifestyle photojournalist

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