The EU Horizon project “Dealing with a Resurgent China” (DWARC), is doing a seminar on the current state of China Post-Covid. The seminar called: “Regime stability, Party hegemony and legitimacy in Post-Covid China” is held on October 25 at Copenhagen Business School (CBS).
The topic of the discussion is how the Chinese Communist Party has further tightened its control of the Chinese society since the pandemic. This is within the economy as well as in the cultural and ideological sphere, where the Party seems to focus on ensuring its dominance. These developments take place in the context of economic slowdown and internal political debate about China’s foreign policy relations. It highlights the overarching issue of maintaining regime stability and Party hegemony in the wake of the Covid crisis.
Speakers at the seminar:
Kasper Ingeman Beck, Postdoc, Department of Economics, Government and Business, CBS
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, Professor, Department of Economics, Government and Business, CBS
Elena Meyer-Clement, Associate Professor, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen
Time: October 25 at 3pm – 4.30pm
Place: Dalgas Have, Room DH.V.1.89
For more information contact: Anders Weis Christiansen at: [email protected]