Nordic-Chinese Chamber of Commerce celebrates New Year in Copenhagen

Thursday, February 7, the Nordic-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (NCCC) celebrated Chinese New Year at the Mariott Hotel in Copenhagen. The turn up was big and drums, lion dance and speeches marked the occasion. The NCCC is a newly founded chamber of commerce that includes China, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands. The celebration of the Year of Snake was to strengthen ties between business cultures of Denmark and China seeing as trade between the two is increasing rapidly.

Speeches were held by Speaker of the Danish Parliament, Mogens Lykketoft, Friis Arne Pedersen, Danish Ambassador in China, Li Rui You, Chinese Ambassador in Denmark, Per Holten-Andersen, Principal of the Copenhagen School of Business and a number of other prominent guests.

Members of the board are President, Hemming Van, Yifan Zhan, NovoNordisk, Peter Wee from A.P. Møller-Maersk, Ulla Hentze, Mobilart & Womenpowerfactory, Yangguoyi Uo, Danske Bank, John Dar, KPMG and Hanne Kruse from Hannne Kruse Kommunication.

Heidi Wang from the municipal council of Copenhagen who is the founder of the new chamber of commerce says that the aim is to attract more Chinese companies to Denmark. As it is today that Danes invest far more in China than the Chinese invest in Denmark.

“We have to create a cultural understanding between Denmark and China and prejudice must go. The Chinese companies have to learn about Danish mentality so they can avoid pitfalls,” she says to Dagbladet Boersen.

Source: http: