ScandAsia Calendar crashed

The Calendar of events on ScandAsia crashed on Sunday 02 March 2014 after an advised update from the plugin developer The update reset all calendar entries to 1 January 1970.

Screen shot with a few events restored.
Screen shot with a few events restored. has been notified, but this kind of database errors can only be solved by restoring a backup, which would make our news site loose all news and events uploaded during last week, as we “only” do weekly backups. 

We will over the coming days meticulously work ourselves backwards through previously uploaded events and restore them one by one. Meanwhile, we will research if there are other calendar solutions available, that may also add other benefits.

If you have previously provided ScandAsia with an invitation or details of an event, you are welcome to resend to: [email protected]

Thank you.

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

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