The concept of bubble tea from Thailand is gaining popularity in Denmark

Photo: Anders Ole Olsen

The concept of bubble tea comes from Thailand and it is tea made on milk, fruit, or popping soda with small balls or “pearls” of chewy tapioca and other fruit toppings.

The concept came to Copenhagen in 2012 and there it has become very popular. So much in fact that entrepreneur Morten Kalfaian has brought the concept to the Danish city of Benløse near Ringsted, about 55 kilometers from Copenhagen. Here he has opened NV Bubble Tea and says to local media Sjaellandske Nyheder that in the last few days, there have been about 150 customers a day.

Morten Kalfaian explains that Bubble tea is a purely vegan product. The fruit pearls are made without gelatin and are plant-based. The pearls contain a minimum of 50 percent fruit puree and there are different varieties such as church berries, passion fruit, mango, and strawberries.

Customers can also choose tapioca pearls which come from the root of cassava, which is used as a starch in the pudding, among other things. In Thailand, it is also eaten as a kind of potatoes.

Morten Kalfaian has plans to open similar stores in Roskilde and Næstved.

NV Bubble Tea is open Monday to Thursday from 11-21, Friday and Saturday from 11-22 at Nordcentret, in Benløse near Ringsted.

About Mette Larsen

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