Vacation romances do not last

Many Europeans develop a romantic sommer vacation relationships but few survive into the autumn. A study of summer romances by the dating site Meetic, recently acquired by shows that only 13 percent of the romances reach the six-month mark and an even lower 11 percent last a full year.

Surprisingly, the Norwegian men came in top charmers in the study with 74 percent claiming at least one lucky lady had fallen into their love trap during the summer months.

More in trend with common beliefs, Spaniards and Italians came in second and third with 65 and 61 percent enjoying a summer romance respectively.

Meetic  conducted the study only in Europe, but it didn’t say if the romance happened in Europe or on vacation in e.g. The Philippines or Thailand.

German singles are at the bottom of the table, with only 27 percent of men saying they’d had a holiday romance in the past.

María Garay, Dating coach at Meetic, says the key to extending a summer fling into a lasting relationship seems not to be related to any nationality.

“A sense of humour is key for a summer relationship to live on,” she says.



About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

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