Networking in High Speed for Young Professionals

It was an evening for speed talkers as the Nordic Young Professionals threw a speed networking event on Friday 11 May, which has never been organized in Bangkok before.

The event held at Water Library in Thong Lor which has a prestigious setting and an elegant atmosphere drew around 60 individuals and a couple of pairs for a night of speed networking. Seated at either side of what should have been a single long table, instead the guests were placed on small sofas that you could sit opposite each other. Each person moved one seat right every second minutes thus meeting every other person they passed.

New Contacts

The evening was excellently spent. Some attendees hit it off on the first meeting and some people had no interest of wanting to move seats when time was up. However, everybody did go away with at least one and in most cases several new contacts.

After speed talking there were also some interesting prizes to win at the lucky draw. The lucky winners went home with big gifts such as a weekend stay at Rembrandt Hotel, a box of Carlsberg and plenty of booze.

The evening ended with an open networking session where all participants got a chance to broaden their understanding and gain additional insights of their peers.

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