Yingluck met Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg in Laos

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had a diplomatic discussion with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg on Monday 05 November 2012. The two attended the Asia-European Meeting (ASEM), which was being held in Laos, later on during the day.

Among other issues, the two Prime Ministers agreed that negotiations should be resumed for Thailand’ to participate in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Negotiations for Thailand to join EFTA was put on hold in 2006 – the year former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted by a military coup.

According to Thairath.com, the two leaders exchanged interests in rebuilding a closer relationships between Thailand and Norway. PM Yingluck encouraged business sectors and investors from Norway to conduct business in Thailand and stated that the economic and political scene in the country is currently stable.

The PMs exchanged views on the collaboration in creative economy between both countries, alternative energy developments and heath care. Additionally, the Premiers discussed the possibilities of establishing a tripartite cooperation between Thailand, Norway and Myanmar which will add more strength to the three countries’ economy. 

She also informed the Norwegian PM about Thailand’s flooding prevention system that has been well-developed, assuring its readiness to welcome foreign investors and tourists.

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